Happy Birthday Christine

The family had organised a wonderful night at Godley House in Diamond Harbour to celebrate Christine’s 70th birthday.

While we waited for all the others to arrive we had drinks and admired the beautiful stately home.
I especially loved the light fittings.
They were absolutely gorgeous.

Tim and Tracey played a game of pool.

Upstairs we ladies dressed ourselves in our glad rags in preparation for the dinner downstairs.
Genevieve, the youngest of Christine’s 7 darlings, decided her Mum should have some extra titivation.

We enjoyed a delicious and very filling 3 course meal with all of Christine’s family and most of her siblings and their spouses..

The birthday girl was the life and soul of her party.

There were speeches made throughout the dinner from each of her children and then she had her turn.

Then we had some entertainment from the ‘Von Sparrow Singers’
Her 7 children all dressed up in school uniforms sang
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night
It was a riot!!

After all of that Les, her husband of 48 years, spoke of when he first set eyes on her.
His sons added a school cap to add to the atmosphere of remembering back to the days of being 14 & 16 years old.

Then came the cutting of the cake.
Happy Birthday to a very special and very gracious lady whom I treasure as my friend.

Here are all ‘The Outlaws’.
The spouses related only by marriage!

And then the siblings.
Unfortunately two brothers were unable to attend.
Tim, Christine, Nicholas, Stephanie, Martin & Gerard.

Tim & Stephanie sang ‘There’s a Hole in My Bucket’.
They remembered singing the song on the school bus when they were about 5 and 6.
It was really funny.

At nearly 1am we took some final photos of the evening including this one of Tim, & I with Christine.

It was a great night.
We were honoured to be included among the family.

This was our third 1am and we were very ready to fall into bed.
The beds were very comfy so despite the raucous party noise soaking up through the floor boards from below we were soon fast asleep.

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