Sunday pt 3 – Alvin’s birthday

We all met up at Lonestar at 5:30pm for dinner to celebrate Alvin’s birthday.
It was great.
The food was fantastic.
There is a Lonestar chain in the USA – our NZ Lonestar’s are not linked with them at all.
They are totally Kiwi.
According to Brooke & Max it was 100% better than Lonestar in the States.
I had steak and it was done to perfection and was absolute melt in your mouth!

The cuzzies – Alvin, Vonnie and me

Azzan spent quite a while writing on his colouring sheet – he was very proud of his writing.
He made it all twirly ‘like old fashioned writing’.

He gave Alvin a birthday massage too.

He also loved spending some smoochie cuddle time with his big sis

Nathan was rather pleased with his iced chocolate but not so pleased with me taking photos of him

We had such a great night.
Brooke read another chapter of Azzan’s ‘Magic Puppy’ book to him as we drove home and then another once he was all ready for bed.
He really loves those stories.

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