An afternoon visiting

After lunch Cat decided to come visiting with us so we hopped into Leeann’s car
which she has kindly loaned to us for our stay over here)
and drove up to Paraparaumu.
Firstly we popped into see Wendy & Oakley.
We had a lovely couple of hours with her meeting Oakley for the first time.
4 month old cuteness to the max.

I was really struggling to stay awake.
It was quite embarrassing actually cause I kept on feeling myself nodding off.
I had taken some sea sickness tablets so wasn’t too sure if it was the effects from them or just the somnolent after effects of a day on the ocean.
Cat disappeared outside and we found her sleeping at the bottom of the garden.

We chatted outside in the late arvo sunshine.
Nice after all the grey days.

Wendy & Oakley by the yurt she is making.

It was around 5pm so we made a move up the road to visit Hanne & Owen.
She took us for a wader through the garden.
Owen has a wonderful wilderness with all sorts of interesting plants and flowers popping up in various corners.

This is a wonderful specimen of a Trillium

Hanne persuaded us to stay for dinner.
Owen arrived in with a work colleague who was gathering up all sorts of amazing things for an auction coming up soon.
We got to see a pair of huia – stuffed and mounted with a little spotted kiwi.
Quite cool really as the huia have been extinct for a hundred years.

We had a yummy diner of chicken crepes.
Then Owen showed us some of his treasures.
Including this warthog head which Skip wasn’t so sure about!

Pretty impressive eh?

We managed to prise ourselves away sometime after 10pm.
I was about falling asleep standing up.
But I am glad we went as we wouldn’t have been able to catch up with everyone today.

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